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2018年太原小学英语必背作文:Private Cars in China

来源:家长帮论坛 作者:来碗米粉 2018-07-04 20:38:37

2018年太原小学英语必背作文:Private Cars in China

  Private Cars in China

  As time develops, there are many large changing happening in people ‘s lives .Being like other West countries, private cars begin to be very popular in our country Certainly, there must be many things following with it. Maybe it is good for our society, or maybe it is harmful.

  Now, I’d like to announce some not mature opinions. In our lives, especially in this century, time becomes more and more important Buses seem to be more bulky than the private cars. We can go anywhere which we like immediately in our own car. But, if you come to wait for a bus, it will take your much time, and it‘s more likely to be no seats. In this hand, you must choice the convenient way to buy a private car for yourself.

  But do you ever think the harms for the society. I will bring you some examples. When the time develops that time that everyone has their own car, all the roads will be filled up by the cars. And there isn’t place for you to remove. What will be performed in the earth is obvious. This is not in the least. When the car is flooding, the waste gas will be exhausted everywhere, so that the air we are living in will be polluted seriously. Are you agree with my opinions. Now, I‘d like to make you some place to think over what I said about the private cars.

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